Japan Seciety of Disaster Nursing



■Board of Directors


Editorial Committee

1.The Mission of the Committee
The Editorial Committee, in order to achieve the systematization of knowledge and practice of disaster nursing, edits and publishes three times a year an academic journal containing research papers, survey papers and activity reports on disaster nursing in Japan and overseas. The committee has the responsibility of peer-reviewing, compiling and publishing original papers, reviews, reports, editorials, and other materials as published papers. In addition, the committee has the responsibility to widely disseminate information to members and provide an opportunity to share wisdom applied to disaster nursing by promptly publishing research and practice activities associated with disasters.

2.The Concrete Activities of the Committee
・Reviewing the rules for manuscript submission and the manuscript submission
・Accepting and peer-reviewing manuscript submissions
・The compilation and publication of the Journal
・The digitization of the Journal
・Other matters

Social Organizations Committee

1. The Mission of the Committee
The purpose of the Social Organizations Committee is to contribute to the systematization of disaster nursing activity methods by accumulating knowledge based on the various experiences and observations of the committee members. At present, educational institutions, hospitals, and nursing associations are mainly registered as members of the Social Organizations Committee.

2. The Concrete Activities of the Committee
・The holding of an information exchange meeting of the committee members in order to promote mutual awareness and the exchange of information between organizations. (Held during the Society’s annual conference.)
・Setting up a Social Organizations Committee booth at the Society’s annual conference, and providing information about the disaster nursing activities of the organization.
・To cooperate with the Network Activities Committee in initial surveys and other matters when necessary.

Social Service and Public Relations Committee

1. The Mission of the Committee
The committee is responsible for providing general society with information and knowledge of disaster nursing and the Japan Society of Disaster Nursing’s activities.

2. The Concrete Activities of the Committee
・Maintenance, management and operation of the Society’s home page: To timely introduce the committee’s activities and the Society’s annual conference.
・Publication twice a year of the Society’s newsletter.
・Hold an Open Lecture once a year: Offer lectures on disaster prevention and training in first aid techniques for citizens. The Society provides a special triangle bandage to participants.
・The dissemination of the disaster nursing message.

Network Activity Committee

1. The Mission of the Committee
The purpose of the Network Activities Committee, is to do research and gather information on nursing needs during disasters in Japan, to accumulate this data, to contribute to the creation of knowledge of disaster nursing, and to build a disaster nursing network.
2. The Concrete Activities of the Committee
・Planning and management of network activity through a network activities committee, a network activity and research coordination committee, and advance team meetings
・Implementation of an initial survey, a preliminary survey, and a continuous survey in the event of a disaster.
・Activities of the first assessment party: When a major disaster occurs, the implementation of activities that lead to experts in disaster nursing entering the field; to information gathering and assessment of health problems and nursing needs; and to the clarification of the nursing support required.

Educational Activity Committee

1. The Mission of the Committee
The Educational Activity Committee was established in 2002. Its purpose is to provide opportunities for continuing education for nurses, and to promote the dissemination of the knowledge and technology of disaster nursing.
2. The Concrete Activities of the Committee
・Holding nursing education seminars
・Holding a symposium during the Society’s annual conference
・Conducting surveys of disaster nursing education

International Communication Committee

1. The Mission of the Committee
・To disseminate information on disaster nursing in Japan.
・To establish a global network for academic exchange.

2. The Concrete Activities of the Committee
1) The ICC disseminates international knowledge and information on disaster nursing.
It is a source of information on the activities of the Japan Society of Disaster Nursing and on disaster nursing in Japan. Through the society’s website it is a source of information to the world on disaster nursing activities and knowledge in Japan.
・It introduces articles from the Journal of the Japan Society of Disaster Nursing.
・It also provides information on overseas disaster nursing activities.
2). The ICC is endeavoring to establish a global nursing network.
・It is collecting and disseminating information from disaster-related academic societies in Japan and overseas.
・It is collaborating with disaster nursing societies throughout the world.


Fundraising Committee

1. The Mission of the Committee
When large-scale disasters occur at home and abroad leading to more than 1,000 deaths, or similar such large scale disasters occur, the Japan Society of Disaster Nursing will conduct fund-raising activities to support nurses in the affected areas, and to support the relief efforts and life support of nurses affected by the disaster.
2. The Concrete Activities of the Committee
・Implementation of fundraising activities as needed: collection and dissemination of disaster information, call for donations
・Appropriate fund-raising activities: Understanding of the disaster affected areas, the support situation, and other participants

Special Committee

≪The Tohoku-Pacific Ocean Earthquake Project≫
1. The Mission of the Committee
After the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11, 2011, this project was established and began operating on the basis of donations that were sent to the Japan Society of Disaster Nursing. This project supports the relief activities of nursing staffs in the affected areas that are facing a variety of problems after the earthquake, the relief and research activities of nurses, and the analysis of data collected from the affected areas.

2. The Concrete Activities of the Committee
・Health support and exchange support of the elderly living in temporary housing
・Health consultation in the affected areas
・Provide opportunities and places for nurses to consult and communicate
・Analysis of nursing support and health in the affected area

≪The Disaster Nursing Terminology Study Project≫
1. The Mission of the Committee
At present, the terminology of disasters and disaster nursing is not always being expressed with common terms. The confusion of terms interferes with the construction of disaster nursing and with common understanding with other occupations. Because of the growing interest in disaster nursing and increasing social demand, it is necessary to clarify the meaning of terminology, use common terminology, and to demonstrate both in a comprehensive and systematic manner. This project was developed to examine terminology in disaster nursing and create mechanisms to transmit it to society.
2. The Concrete Activities of the Committee
・Careful selection and extraction of disaster nursing terminology, and creating a Disaster Nursing Glossary
・To establish “The Disaster Nursing Terminology Site” on the Japan Society of Disaster Nursing Website
・To create an operational manual for The Disaster Nursing Terminology Site”